Villa Vigoni is delighted to announce the conclusion of a partnership agreement with the Brexit Institute of Dublin City University, which will allow the two institutions to jointly undertake a multi-annual research project on the future of the EU institutional order in comparative perspective.
The project – which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) – was kicked-off in Dublin on Thursday 12 December 2019 at the event on “Brexit & the New EU Institutional Cycle”, which featured as speaker Michele Valensise, Italian President of Villa Vigoni and former Secretary-General of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Hans-Gert Pöttering, former President of the European Parliament.
“For Villa Vigoni it is natural to follow with particular attention the developments and the discussions around the future of the European Union. This commitment is in line with our tradition and acquires even greater importance today in the current phase of the European integration process. We are therefore very pleased of the collaboration with the Brexit Institute of the DCU in Dublin to foster together through a series of round tables in different countries a reflection on the implications of Brexit for the EU” says Valensise.
The project proves once again how Villa Vigoni and its commitment to foster the Italian-German relationship is always framed in a European context and in cooperation with other EU Member States.
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