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The third edition of the BMW Foundation European Table kicks off

Today, Thursday the 3rd of May, with the presence of the German President of Villa Vigoni Michael Gerdts, begins the BMW event, in partnership with Villa Vigoni, and hosted in Loveno di Menaggio, until the 6th of May.

Now at its third edition, the BMW European Table offers a framework for leaders from EU member states and neighboring societies to reflect on concrete ways to strengthen the European Union. For more than 60 years, the EU has contributed greatly to peace, stability, and prosperity on the continent.

But it is currently going through a profound crisis of confidence. In the light of Brexit, democratic backsliding in formerly stable democracies, and the rise of nationalism and populism in Europe, the European Table in Italy focusses on citizens’ trust and identification with the EU.

  • today dal 03/05/2018 al 06/05/2018
  • place Villa Vigoni
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