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The first edition of the international event “Vigoni for Europe: Cultural Heritage and International Cultural Relations" kicks off on Sunday

On Sunday September 9th, the German Minister of State Michelle Münterfering and the Italian Undersecretary of State Guglielmo Picchi will open the international conference "Vigoni for Europe: Cultural Heritage and International Relations"

Today, the European cultural model is shaped by great cultural diversity and it is often considered a benchmark to refer to. For this reason, it is increasingly important to understand the strengths and weaknesses of such model and the most effective strategies to enhance it.

Within the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, VILLA VIGONI offers a platform for discussion on cultural policies in collaboration with the German Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Cultural Activities. Leading institutions and experts from both public and private sectors will be involved, as well as universities, practitioners and civil society organisations.

VigoniForEurope, concepito realizzato in collaborazione con i Ministeri degli esteri italiano e tedesco, è un forum a cadenza annuale, dedicato alle politiche culturali che intende offrire una piattaforma di discussione a livello europeo.

  • today dal 09/09/2018 al 11/09/2018
  • place Villa Vigoni
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