A style of architecture and a place generated by a blend of Italian-German tradition, a residence rich in art evocative of yesteryear, a space that becomes a perfect meeting place: all this is Villa Mylius Vigoni.
The villa serves numerous purposes today, ranging from a museum space to a place for social events reserved for guests at the Centre. Exploring its rooms brings us into contact with works by some of the most eminent artists of the early 19th century, illustrating the ambitious iconographical programme inspired by family memories.
Purchased in 1829 by Enrico Mylius, the villa was later inherited by the Vigoni family. In 1983, Ignazio Vigoni Medici di Marignano bequeathed it to the German Federal Republic.
Originally a farmhouse, it was expanded and transformed into a villa in the 1830s. The architect Gaetano Besia added the third floor, the two side annexes and the four niches on the façade for the busts of certain family friends to whom they wished to pay homage: Antonio Kramer, Gaetano Cattaneo, Alessandro Manzoni and Eduard Rüppell. In keeping with the fashion of the time, the interiors were decorated with grisailles and embellished with furnishings, sculptures and paintings that have lost none of their charm today.