Prof. Marcello Garzaniti, Firenze,
Prof. Vassa Kontouma, Ecole pratique des hautes études, PSL, Paris,
Prof. Dr. Vasilios N. Makrides, Erfurt.
The Republic of Letters, a wide network of intellectuals, also has an Eastern side with numerous actors communicating in Greek, Latin, Arabic or Slavic languages (especially on religious issues). Despite the existence of extensive sources, this topic has rarely been studied interdisciplinary and from an “entangled history” perspective. This project will bring together scholars of modern Greek and Slavic studies, (East European) historians and Orientalists. The first conference "Mobility: Networks and Territories" (16-17 July 2019) aims to work through the complex field of such contacts and knowledge circulation between East and West as well as North and South (and vice versa). It will begin with considerations on the Status Quaestionis and the Instrumenta Studiorum, continue with original contributions, and end with an assessment of the hitherto achieved results together with the prospects for the future conferences.