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What is Progressive?

The European Union asylum system after the Ukrainian humanitarian crisis: lessons learnt and challenges ahead


  • today dal 07/10/2022 al 10/10/2022
  • place Phygital
  • lock_outlineSu invito
  • Coordinamento

    Foundation for European Progressive Studies (FEPS), Bruxelles;
    Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Italien

With the beginning of the hostile actions in Ukraine launched on 24th February the emigration of almost 6 million people who are in search for protection in EU-member states. Shortly after the war began, the Temporary Protection Directive first came into force, significantly improving the conditions of asylum seekers and making the migration process easier for them.

Due to the new political and legal factors in the EU's asylum policy, questions arise regarding the internal dynamics of EU states with different views on the reception of asylum seekers.  These will be discussed at the event, in the form of a round table discussion, holding place from 07-08 October at Villa Vigoni, titled "What is Progressive?". The Foundation for European Progressive Studies, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the Fondation Jean Jaurès and the Centro Studi di Politica Internazionale have joined forces to organize this closed-door seminar with numerous guests from different nations. Central topic will also be the EU's further course of action and its handling of upcoming humanitarian crises in light of past experience.