da VillaVigoni | Lug 17, 2024
The text will focus on questions regarding the transformation of the state and the state system with a special emphasis on Reinhart Koselleck’s work. It will look in particular at the future as a category of history, crisis, sovereignty and the relationship between...
da VillaVigoni | Lug 17, 2024
This paper focuses on the identity of the European Union. The current tectonic changes under way in the World’s geopolitical order are deeply challenging to the raison d’être of the Union, caught between its status of leading (geo)economic power, and its weakness as...
da VillaVigoni | Lug 17, 2024
The publication stems from a workshop that sought to critically rethink governance in times of multiple crises by assessing the crisis responses of political decision-makers, scientific experts and society at large in the context of climate change and pandemics. The...
da Amministratore Nethics | Apr 23, 2024
Verso una sovranità europea (divisa per competenze) all’indomani del duplice banco di prova Covid 19 e Ucraina This essay analyses how the EU has dealt with the crises of the last three years, from Covid19 to the conflict in Ukraine, and what consequences they...
da comunicazione | Apr 23, 2024
Notes on the role of the German-Italian dialogue in the European political debate Following an “economic politics” approach, the paper discusses the implications for the 2024-29 European Parliament of the transition to a new European economic model. It focuses on...
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