N. 7/2020 Das Europäische Sicherheitssystem nach Brexit und Covid-19

Political scientists have for some time now resisted the temptation to make predictions. Nevertheless, Europe is asking itself: What comes after the Coronavirus pandemic, what follows Brexit? While the first question is completely open, experts are trying to find answers to the second. The UK's exit is still not complete; it has taken so many detours that it already seems embarrassing. What these two challenges to the European Union have in common: They create a sense of insecurity. Security is a deeply personal feeling, but one that is regulated at the state or intrastate level. At the same time, the principle applies that more security requires a partial surrender of privacy and vice versa. This should be borne in mind when considering different institutions, agencies and policies.

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  • Autore: D. Biehl
  • A cura di: D. Biehl, C. Liermann Traniello, M. Scotto, F. Zilio
  • Editore: Villa Vigoni Editore | Verlag
  • Collana: Vigoni Papers
  • Numero: 7
  • Anno: 2020
  • Luogo: Loveno di Menaggio
  • ISBN / ISSN: Online: 2724-0002; Print: 2724-0359