In January 2021, the young poet Amanda Gorman caused a sensation worldwide with her text 'The Hill We Climb'. There we read: 'We lift our gaze not on what lies between us, but on what lies before us'. It is precisely in 'repairing' the problematic past for the future, says Gorman, that the identity and strength of a community is recognised: 'We will rebuild, reconcile and recover'. This is exactly what it is all about!
Villa Vigoni has entitled its German-Italian project Re-Constructions, the aim of which goes in the direction indicated by Gorman's optimism that building sites, rebuilding, repair, reconciliation, new construction and progress are possible and deserve an Italian-German-European perspective.
The authors of this volume know the stumbling blocks between Italy and Germany and re-construct them in order to sharpen their gaze in favour of necessary and possible joint constructions.
The book was published thanks to funds granted to Villa Vigoni by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the framework of the project Re-Konstruktionen.