Fernando D’Aniello completed his studies in Political science in 2007 with a legal philosophy thesis on Rudolf von Jhering’s work at the University Federico II in Naples. In 2008 he started his PhD studies at the PhD-School of Constitutional Justice and Fundamental Rights at the Institute of Public Law at the University of Pisa. In December 2011 he successfully defended his dissertation “Zwischen Einheit und Freiheit: the legal theory of Otto Gierke”. In the same year he moved to Berlin with a scholarship from the DAAD.
He was a research associate at the University Federico II in Naples and a guest lecturer at the Italien Zentrum at FU-Berlin.
His research focuses on the history of German legal philosophy and public law between the 19th and 20th centuries.
D’Aniello translated into Italian and published Hans Kelsen’s writings on the legal situation in Germany after the Second World War (Giappichelli, 2017) and the so-called annexation of Austria to the German Reich (Aragno, 2020). He is a member of the editorial board of the political and cultural magazine Il Mulino and writes for various periodicals such as the daily newspaper Il Domani and the magazines Treccani, Micromega and Limes.