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Simposio Vigoni di scienza e politica 2023

Between the State and the Entrepreneurial: 25 Years of Reforms in the German Science System, an (Interim-) Balance


  • today dal 15/05/2023 al 17/05/2023
  • place Villa Vigoni
  • lock_outlineSu invito
  • Coordinamento

    Univ.-Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dieter Lenzen;
    Prof. Dorothee Dzwonnek;
    Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. Dr. h.c. Sabine Kunst

Competitive disadvantages, also in the international arena, many reforms have been applied in the various fields and functions of the German science system over the past 25 years, which have changed all essential areas of the system. The relationship between the state and the science institutions has been placed on a new, also new legal basis in order to grant the institutions more autonomy and to establish new forms of management in analogy to business enterprises. Under the signet of "New Public Management", the structure and function of academic teaching, research and the "governance" of scientific institutions were changed in terms of their goals, processes and structures. The roundtable discussion will address the following elements of the reform process, enable evaluations and open up projections into the future from the balance sheet.

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  • place Phygital
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  • place Digitale
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  • today dal 07/07/2019 al 09/07/2019
  • place Villa Vigoni
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