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Italy and Germany in turbulent times


  • today 13/11/2023
  • access_time 16:30 - 18:30
  • lockSu prenotazione
  • Coordinamento

The crises of the decade 2011-2022 showed the divergence between Italy’s and Germany’s economic performance and created a few tensions in their relationship. After the economic crisis and the refugee crisis, the Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine added strains on both economies, causing increases in the price of energy and the need to revise well-established trade relations (Piattoni et al., E la nave va…Italy and Germany in Turbulent Times, Villa Vigoni Editore/Verlag, 2023). Politically, the two countries now have divergent coalitions, with a social-democratic pivot government in Germany and a conservative government in Italy. However, the relationship between Italy and Germany is vital to European Integration and it is necessary today to identify platforms for tighter cooperation, also in view of next year's European elections.

More about the book: HERE

Registration required: HERE 

Location: Bocconi University, Alberto Alesina Seminar Room 5.e4.sr04, Via Röntgen 1 Milano
