Exzellenz-Universität Hamburg;
Europa Kolleg Hamburg;
Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg
Villa Vigoni
The academic workshop at the Villa Vigoni is part of the Hamburg-Vigoni Forum, a series of conferences seeking to bring researchers, policymakers and the civil public together for innovative debate on the question of what holds Europe together. The forum seeks to explore the familiar “space–sovereignty– identity” concepts in the context of integration and disintegration and reshape them to help understand where Europe has come from, and where it is heading.
The series of conferences consists of academic workshops held at the Villa Vigoni, followed by an opportunity to discuss, contemplate, and develop the resulting ideas and insights in the context of a dialog between policymakers and civil society at the public conference in Hamburg. The first two iterations of the forum dealt with the topics "sovereignty and identity". With the participation of leading historians, legal scholars and political scientists, the first workshop as well as the following one in Hamburg took an initial assessment. The findings were bundled in the publication "Impulses of the Hamburg-Vigoni Forum for a European Policy Agenda for the Future" and will soon be published as an English language version that incorporates the changed global security situation due to the Russian war on Ukraine.
The second academic workshop at the Villa Vigoni aims to build on the obtained insights and to address specific sub-domains, such as security and energy policy aspects, as well as specific national perspectives. Within the context of the concept of identity, the discussion will focus on values and religion as differentiating characteristics. Lastly, considering the current political situation, the question of the extent of the European citizens’ sense of community - especially in the context of military alliances, - will be examined.
The conference language is English.