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Foreign Perspectives on European Identity


  • today dal 29/11/2021 al 30/11/2021
  • access_time 13:30 - 18:00
  • place Digitale
  • lockSu prenotazione
  • Coordinamento

    University of Hamburg
    in cooperation with Europa-Kolleg Hamburg, the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at University of Hamburg and Villa Vigoni


Internal disputes over the adherence to common values and global challenges demanding unified EU positions, have re-ignited debates over questions of shared identity and the EU’s evolving capacity to act on the global stage, credibly, and in unison.
Moving beyond the traditional scope of a mostly intra-European discourse, this format seeks to inte-grate foreign perspectives from around the world, to approach answers to the fundamental question of what unites - rather than divides - Europeans, the EU and its member states.
To what extent can the European Union be considered a state-like actor? How do perceptions of the EU’s cultural, political, and legal identity influence its legitimacy and room for maneuver? And has the EU re-cently lost credibility as a global standard-bearer for value-based policy in the world?

Please register via this link. The conference language is English.



Progetti correlati

La Exzellenz-Universität di Amburgo, l’Europa-Kolleg di Amburgo, l’Istituto per le Scienze della pace, della politica e della sicurezza e il Centro italo-tedesco per il dialogo europeo Villa Vigoni promuovono insieme un nuovo progetto: l’ Hamburg-Vigoni Forum.
