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CIVICA Summer School 2022

Recontructing Europe after Crises


  • today dal 11/07/2022 al 15/07/2022
  • place Villa Vigoni
  • lock_outlineSu invito
  • Coordinamento

    Prof. Eleanor Spaventa, Università Bocconi, Milano;
    Prof. Dr. Corinna Unger, European University Institute (EUI), Firenze/Fiesole;
    Prof. Loïc Azoulai, Sciences Po Law School, Paris; Villa Vigoni

The overall aim of the Summer School is to create a fruitful environment with occasions for both formal and informal fora to discuss and exchange ideas, so as to advance interdisciplinary debate and enrich participants’ perspectives. The creation of such social spaces is all the more fundamental given the isolation brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, and its severe impact on junior researchers’ opportunities to liaise with other academics.

Press review
An interdisciplinary approach to reconstructing Europe: CIVICA Summer School