N. 7/2021 Le elezioni tedesche 2021: analisi, commento e prospettive

This edition of the Vigoni Papers analyses the German election campaign of 2021, retracing its various stages. The first part briefly describes both the political processes that led to the nomination of the candidates for Chancellor by the three major German parties, i.e. the Union parties (CDU/CSU), the Greens and the Social Democratic Party, and the confirmation of Olaf Scholz and the SPD. The second part analyses the election results, highlighting some territorial and social characteristics of the vote, as well as possible government majorities that could be formed based on the balance of power in the Bundestag. The article is preceded by an introduction assessing the political significance of these elections for German-Italian relations.

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Raphael in

  • Autor/Autorin: U. Villani-Lubelli
  • Herausgegeben
    D. Biehl, C. Liermann Traniello, M. Scotto, F. Zilio
  • Verlag: Villa Vigoni Editore | Verlag
  • Reihe: Vigoni Papers
  • Nummer des Bandes: 7
  • Jahr: 2021
  • Ort: Loveno di Menaggio
  • ISBN / ISSN: Online: 2724-0002; Print: 2724-0343



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Giornale Diplomatico 06/11/2021