N. 5/2020 La Presidenza tedesca del Consiglio dell’Unione europea 2020
This volume of Vigoni Papers comprising three contributions is devoted to the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union. In the first contribution, Frank Baasner and Stefan Seidendorf analyse the role of German-French relations. They are seen as a necessary but not sufficient driving force for any compromise at the European level. Secondly, there is an article by Federico Fabbrini, in which the German presidency is considered a key moment for the European future. According to Fabbrini, there exist three different visions of European integration: as a polity, as a single market or as a vehicle to hinder the spread of autocracy. Finally, after an analysis of the strategic role of the Council’s presidency and the characteristics of the previous German presidency, Matteo Scotto focuses on the current presidency, which aspires to render the European Union more compact as a political project over the medium term.