N. 4/2023 Una nuova Unione Europea: tra primato e potenza

Verso una sovranità europea (divisa per competenze) all'indomani del duplice banco di prova Covid 19 e Ucraina

This essay analyses how the EU has dealt with the crises of the last three years, from Covid19 to the conflict in Ukraine, and what consequences they have had on its decision-making structure, its global status and the perception of European citizens.

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This paper was published within the framework of “IMPACT”, a project of Villa Vigoni sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

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  • Autor/Autorin: B. Benocci
  • Herausgegeben
    C. Liermann Traniello, M. Scotto, F. Zilio
  • Verlag: Villa Vigoni Editore | Verlag
  • Reihe: Vigoni Papers
  • Nummer des Bandes: 4
  • Jahr: 2023
  • Ort: Loveno di Menaggio
  • ISBN / ISSN: Online: 2724-0002; Print: 2724-0347