N. 3/2021 L’«europeizzazione» dei rapporti italo-tedeschi dopo la Seconda guerra mondiale (1947-1953)

The article presents a reflection on the rapprochement characterising German-Italian relations between 1947 and the mid-1950s. This was a decisive phase for the beginning of European integration. At that time, the two governments pursued a political strategy that abandoned the focus of German-Italian relations on mere bilateralism in favour of the political message of the "progress of Europe", whereby "Europe" was increasingly presented as a community of destiny or of a "common fate" shared by the two countries, beyond all ideologies.

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Raphael in

  • Autor/Autorin: F. Triola
  • Herausgegeben
    D. Biehl, C. Liermann Traniello, M. Scotto, F. Zilio
  • Verlag: Villa Vigoni Editore | Verlag
  • Reihe: Vigoni Papers
  • Nummer des Bandes: 3
  • Jahr: 2021
  • Ort: Loveno di Menaggio