N. 2/2023 Nuove sfide, nuove ambizioni. L’allargamento dell’UE ai Balcani occidentali dopo l’invasione russa dell’Ucraina

From February 2022, after years of deep crisis and in an international political context suddenly changed fundamentally by the invasion of Ukraine, the EU's enlargement policy saw a strong revival when three new Eastern Partnership countries were included. Initially, hopes were rekindled in the Western Balkans as well, but as the months went by there was a return to the previous situation of disillusionment and scepticism. The article examines the progress made in the six countries of the region and the obstacles to further progress. Finally, it initiates a discussion on the consequences of the transformation of the European integration process into a policy oriented towards security.

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This paper was published within the framework of “Re-Konstruktionen”, a project of Villa Vigoni sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Raphael in

  • Autor/Autorin: L. Chiodi, F. Martino
  • Herausgegeben
    C. Liermann Traniello, M. Scotto, F. Zilio
  • Verlag: Villa Vigoni Editore | Verlag
  • Reihe: Vigoni Papers
  • Nummer des Bandes: 2
  • Jahr: 2023
  • Ort: Loveno di Menaggio
  • ISBN / ISSN: Online: 2724-0002; Print: 2724-0347