N. 2/2021 Was uns zusammenhält
Auf der Suche nach Europa zwischen Geographie, Wertegemeinschaft und Recht
This paper is a brief reflection on the contributions of the Student Forum 2020. The Student Forum is organised by the "Villa Vigoni", the "German-Italian Centre for European Dialogue". It is aimed at representatives of the younger generations, with keynote speeches and discussions. The working days at Villa Vigoni focused on this question: "What keeps us together? In search of Europe between geography, community of values and law". The common search for answers took up the three concepts mentioned in the title. First of all, strategies for "building the European place" were considered, our reflection being based on relevant examples. Then we analysed the architecture of the European "house" in order to shed light on whether the EU is moved to act in the face of common challenges out of mere interest or also out of sincere solidarity. We concluded with the question of the role of Europe as a supranational body and supervisory authority for the rule of law.