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Call for Papers: Visions from Above

The Colloquium Visions from Above. Recent Discourses on the Cinematic Construction of Cityscapes will be host at Villa Vigoni (Lake Como, Italy) from July 31 to August 3, 2023. Villa Vigoni e.V. is the German-Italian Centre for European Dialogue on Lake Como. 

The Colloquium is conceived as a transdisciplinary event and aspires to establish a dialogue between international researchers on the cinematic rendition of aerial perspective.

The call for papers is aimed at Ph.D. candidates, Postdoctoral fellows and early-career researchers.

Each participant will be asked to prepare audiovisual materials (both still and moving images) linked to one specific panel. The discussion will be rooted in such materials, that will be shared and used as a close-reading tool. Each presentation will last 30 minutes, including the screening of the audiovisual material, followed by 30 minutes of collective informal debate, in order to set up the dialogue in the most horizontal way possible.

Please find below the call. 


Call for Papers: Visions from Above