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Call for Papers - "The Aftermath of the First World War: Humanitarianism in the Mediterranean"

Villa Vigoni in cooperation with the University of Milan, the Leibniz Institute of European History Mainz and with the German Historical Institute Rome is promoting a call for papers for "The Aftermath of the First World War: Humanitarianism in the Mediterranean" conference. The event will focus on international relief and rehabilitation programmes during the war and its immediate aftermath, and on the post-war rise of humanitarianism in southern European countries, colonial territories in North Africa, the Balkans and the Middle East.

Villa Vigoni and its partners therefore invite researchers to submit proposals for papers on these topics. The period of time explored in the papers may extend from the First World War to the 1930s, discussing the aftermath and effects of continued or renewed war in the regions in question. The proposals should highlight colonial and national contexts, contemporary ideas on political and social stabilisation and the effects of the measures taken.

Please submit an abstract of no more than 300 words and a short CV by 8 April 2019 to Silvia Salvatici ( & Johannes Paulmann (
The conference will take place from 3–4 December 2019 at the University of Milan, Italy. Travel and accommodation costs will be covered.

More details here